Composition 101

Move your images from good to GREAT! Open to all levels and cameras - even mobile phone!

This workshop is a study in the art of image-making and pursuing your own style.

Push past your camera knowledge to a new level of great photography by learning visually. You will make the most of every image, using simple and advanced techniques in design as well as several group critiques. 

Expect to see what your new tools are including:

  • Where to position yourself and the camera in the world (perspective and angle)

  • Camera lenses, focal length and orientation

  • Rule of Thirds, divine proportion, diagonals, triangles and other geometry

  • Line, Shape, Form

  • And much more

As you begin to “see photographically” through your viewfinder, the difference will show in your work. No matter what your favorite subject, we can help you improve your images by utilizing the elements of strong composition.

This workshop is designed for an immersive experience of the art and technique of photography.

More info

 How our classes work

This is a 2 hour workshop.

What should I bring to class?

  • Registered students are asked to bring their camera, memory card, fresh battery and note-taking material.

What kind of camera can I use for this class?

Have a question about the class?

Contact us here with any questions!