Creative Development

In this intensive four-week class, spur your creativity and learn how to develop a cohesive body of work, participate in critiques, and create a professional portfolio of photographs. This is the ideal course to developing yourself as a photographic artist. 


You will engage in in-depth critiques and your instructor will guide you through:


• Writing an artist’s statement

• Developing a portfolio through editing and sequencing

• Professional presentation techniques

• Online and local resources for printing and framing your work

• Where and how to show your work


Do you need feedback on your work? Do you want to start submitting your work to exhibitions, competitions, reviews, and interviews? This informative class is for you!


Instructor Allison Jarek has led classes and renowned Texas Women’s University, has participated in numerous national portfolio reviews, been featured in many publications such as The Oxford American, and has exhibited internationally, most recently at the south’s premiere photography exhibition, Slow Exposures. 


Allison is an excellent and beyond instructor, photographer and ideally suited both in knowledge and experience to teach advanced classes such as [this]. She encourages participation in the class and provides so much useful information in her teaching materials that her class will remain valuable for a very long time. Thank you so much for an enlightening, enjoyable, and incredibly rich experience.”
— MP , ASOP Student
“The Creative Development class was worth every single penny! Allison was a great teacher and I value all the advice she offered! One of the best classes I’ve ever taken!”
— CT, ASOP Student

More info

 How our classes work

Class will be held at the same day and time of your choice each week for four weeks and lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes. (i.e. a Monday 10 AM class will be held every Monday morning for 4 weeks)  If you have any scheduling conflicts, we will try our best to accommodate, just give us a call!

For Our Online Class Option: The class will be held online via Zoom! More info about our online classes can be found here. There is no subscription necessary. Registered students will receive an invite to join the video conference with your instructor. We recommend that students download the Zoom software in advance to become familiar with the layout. More info will be provided coming soon and at the time of registration. Any questions? Contact us!

What’s all included?